Prostitution & Solicitation Denver Defense Attorney
When citizens make complaints of prostitution in a certain area, the police run sting operations so they can crack down on it. All too often, such pressure leads to sloppy police work.
I am attorney Christopher T. Braddock, and I have been protecting the rights of the accused for over fifteen years. If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation, I will make sure you have every opportunity to build and assert your defense.
Prostitution & Solicitation Charges
When it comes to fighting charges of prostitution, your lawyer must act swiftly and work hard to build your case. The first thing I will do is conduct a thorough investigation of the alleged crime and examine the prosecution’s evidence.
If there are other defendants in the sting operation, I will talk to them and see if there was a pattern in terms of the arrests. In many cases, police prepare paperwork in advance of the actual crime, and these documents will not hold up in court.
Types of Prostitution & Solicitation Charges
There are two types of people who end up facing charges involving prostitution: johns and prostitutes. I handle all types of charges related to prostitution, including pandering and solicitation:
If a woman advertises herself on the internet as an exotic masseuse or dancer, she may get a response from an undercover cop. You do not have to go through and have sex to be arrested for prostitution. Simply touching a client on the genitalia is enough to get charged.
If undercover cops, posing as prostitutes, get you to agree to meet them somewhere for sex, and money is discussed or exchanged, that could be enough for them to press charges of solicitation.
Pimping, Pandering
I also represent clients facing charges related to pimping and pandering, such as running a house of prostitution.
Contact Prostitution & Solicitation Denver Attorney, Christopher Braddock
If you have been caught in a sting operation for prostitution or solicitation, it is important to make sure your rights are protected. I can help you fight the charges. My office in Denver is open during weekly business hours, and I am also available for evening and weekend appointments. Contact me today for more information.
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Colorado law allows sex offenders to remove name from state’s registry
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